Prayer / Spiritual Warfare

Psalms for a Saturated Soul

An Ancient Guide to Emotional Health

by Alan Flow

George Müller

Delighted in God

by Roger Steer

The Screwtape Letters

by C. S. Lewis

Praying the Bible

by Donald S. Whitney

A Praying Life

Connecting with God in a Distracting World

by Paul E. Miller

Deepening Your Conversation with God

Learning to Love to Pray

by Ben Patterson

The Folly of Prayer

Practicing the Presence and Absence of God

by Matt Woodley

Power Encounters

Reclaiming Spiritual Warfare

by David Powlison

Fresh Encounters

Experiencing Transformation Through United Worship-Based Prayer

by Daniel Henderson

The Prayer-Saturated Church

A Comprehensive Handbook for Prayer Leaders

by Cheryl Sacks